The vLoc3-9800 utility locator introduces new innovative tools for locating buried utilities assuring damage prevention while gathering information for analysis.
The highly user configurable vLoc3-9800 contains two passive locate modes, and a range of configurable frequencies from 16Hz to 200 kHz. Audio and mechanical vibration alerts can also be configured by the user providing warnings for shallow depth, overload, overhead cables, and excessive swinging. Plug-and-play options for the receiver include optional Bluetooth module useable with external GPS devices and EMS foot to locate buried markers. Depth of cover and current on the line are shown with the push of a button. With the optional A-Frame the user can pinpoint cable faults with directional arrows.
The vLoc3-9800 provides versatility with low frequencies for the telecom, power, and CATV industries as well as higher frequencies for the gas, water and sewer industries.

Key Features
- Fully-automatic gain control
- Optional receiver-to-transmitter link
- Compass indicator
- Distance Sensitive Left / Right Guidance
- Internal data logging
- Optional Bluetooth connectivity
- Optional plug-in EMS locator