by Dalton Anderson | Oct 7, 2020 | Blog
When testing coating there are several factors that need to be taken in to account when choosing the right equipment for the job. This is crucial in today’s environment because of the safety standards and on-site inspectors, which are both very particular when it...
by Dalton Anderson | Sep 24, 2020 | Blog
Rolli Slings Vs. Rolli Cradles One of the most dangerous and difficult part of most construction projects is lifting heavy objects. Making sure you have the right equipment for the job is crucial for each lift. Rolli Slings Proline’s rolli cradles are designed to lift...
by Dalton Anderson | Aug 11, 2020 | Blog
When cutting or beveling a pipe accuracy is key, being off by even an eighth of an inch can render the cut useless. The thing that effects the cut and puts the unit out of round is the ring gear. On most beveling machines the ring gear is attached to the saddle so...
by Dalton Anderson | Jul 21, 2020 | Blog
Proline manufactures pinwheel heaters in any required size to deliver a quick, economical and uniformed way of pre-heating pipe prior to welding. Proline’s pinwheel heaters are built with a support saddle that ensures that a constant distance is maintained all...
by Dalton Anderson | Jul 10, 2020 | Blog
When installing any kind of pipe in today’s world preventing corrosion is paramount. In order to do this there are several different coatings that are applied to the pipe. These coatings are never perfectly consistent and are required to be tested for pin holes and...
by Dalton Anderson | Jun 24, 2020 | Blog
Lining up flanges, especially for larger sizes, can be a difficult, awkward, and potentially dangerous task. Slips and misalignment’s can lead to harm to the operator which could be easily avoided. One of the easiest ways to avoid this is using Flange Alignment...